Minggu, 28 September 2008

When Video Gaming Starts Getting Serious

The quest for fun is one of the greatest motivating factors that lead to addiction. So with the prevalence of video games and computer games that can freely be accessed on the Internet, the trend of addiction has experienced a major change. In the past, we see these forms of games as often educational and harmless while it appeals to the imagination of the human mind to be played, making it a great ways of passing time. These games even provide individuals with the perfect opportunity to escape from the stresses of life, being drawn in magical and virtually created world. However, the rising number of cases of video game addiction and computer game addiction made virtual games a major concern as it has changed the trend and appearance of addiction in modern societies.

Video and computer games managed to become a common feature of our daily lives, being a major source of fun and entertainment for children and adults. However, when a mere form of relaxation becomes out of control and starts displacing work or schoolwork, friends and family, it must be a point of concern. Extended hours of playing virtual games is a clear indication of compulsive gaming disorder. When not immediately treated, it might progress into video game addiction or computer game addiction.

The easily attained reward-system of video and computer games makes them even much harder to resist. Also, the incorporation of the latest computer technology in virtual game design makes these games even more appealing and engaging to players. Since playing these games bring out a feeling of satisfaction out of the thrill, fun and excitement that the game brings, these good feelings are often abused.

The definite grounds of diagnosing computer game addiction or video game addiction is yet under scrutiny and debate. However, the following signs are clear indications of compulsive gaming disorder, which leads to addiction when not immediately treated. Tolerating long hours of playing is a sign of addiction. A display of uncontrolled irritation and moodiness when prevented from doing the activity is another sign of addiction. But the more serious symptom characterizing this condition is persistent playing despite being aware of the adverse consequences of the act.

While compulsive gaming disorder and video and computer game addiction has already affected a large portion of the world's population, many countries have taken the pro-active position in responding to the issues. China and Korea is initiating a strict implementation of rules and guidelines in the design of new virtual games that of diminishing the extent of reward-system when a player has reached a maximum of 3-hour gaming mark. Many European and American countries have devised a combination of psychopharmacology and psychotherapy treatments to help gaming addicts to heal and cope with the uncontrollable urge to play. Treatment centers have been put up, similar to those for substance abuse facilities, aiming to control the progress of video game addiction and computer game addiction as early as to their preliminary stage.

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